Monday, June 30, 2008


I don't think this is going to post the correct date, but today is actually June 30th. This has been in draft mode for like a week. As a result, I totally canned what I had written, but I could not go into July without updating my most loved outlet these days.

I just flew back to NYC from A-T-L-A-N-T-A-G-A this morning. I finally met my BEAUTIFUL and PRECIOUS Goddaughter Aydin. I thought it was going to be overwhelming and it was an emotional time, but honestly it was very serene looking into her eyes for the first time, holding her and recognizing that she's actually here. I have to admit that I have been a little nervous about being a good Godmother. I take this so seriously, and not in name sake only. My Godparents are the BEST EVER! Surrogates to me and my syblings and, they have been there for EVERYTHING and have always gone above the call of duty for the three of us. Big huge shoes to fill. But I had to realize that I'm not them, although I have their support and advice. My Godmother said that to love her unconditionally was the best and biggest thing I could do. I can't wait to go back to ATL and love on her some more :-)

I chose REST for this entry because it's exactly what's on my mind right about now...LOL! I got a little taste of sleepless nights this weekend with Ms. Aydin. But hardly what her Mom is experiencing. She's my new HERO. (Well kind of my Throwback HERO).
Last week was a Blessed Rollercoaster! :-) Last week, my pastor decreed a week of supernatural manifestation. Additionally, I heard many confirming words and messages that backed up what Pastor Dollar said regarding many things breaking loose in the lives of believers. This past week was MAJOR. By Monday, I had more than one offer to write songs with some great prodcuers working with Rihanna, Chris Brown, Timberland and more. I have to say I'm very proud of at least one of the new songs I wrote that I hope gets placed soon. Definitely that FIYAH! :-)
The logo for "The King's Daughters" is completed!!! I can't wait to unveil it - after it's protected of course. Last Thursday, I auditioned and joined World Changers Church New York's adult choir! The audition, the feedback, the feeling...all too powerful! Here's to singing, sangin, and singing some more!!! By Friday, I had my bags packed and was on cloud nine to head to my favorite region of the US...the SOUTH.
Last week didn't appear to leave much room for rest. I usually pencil in a nap during the week. I don't see the nap taking place this week either. No complaints though. I'm blessed to have a plate full of life blessings.
To resume about REST, I had a conversation with one of my Mary Kay leadership counselors and I told her that I don't really understand the meaning of rest, or resting in God. I just didn't get it. I always feel like I can be doing more, or I'm not doing enough and that continually keeps me moving. Recently, I read Proverbs 24:33-34 that says: A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest - an poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man. My counselor told me that rest is different for everyone. Some people are not called to move at the pace that I move and vice versa. Some people aren't called to do as many different things as I do and vice versa. She also reminded me that in our own weaknesses God is made strong. So, I guess now I am resting in God, because my strength is a tad weak and to continue on, I'm solely relying on His strength. That's POWERFUL. Major Revelation as I'm writing this. And so that weak/week begins.
There are many more things I need to catch you up on, like the inspiring "Legacy of Homeownership Tour" sponsored by Chase Bank, that I attended two weekends ago for a day. It was Phenomenal! It reinforced that information is priceless and ownership is the legacy we MUST pass down. I'll be sure to invite you to my housewarming in no more than 12 months!!!
This weeks is JAMMED packed. I'll be SOB's tomorrow night for the Eric Roberson, Curt Chambers/Franklin Bridge and Fuzz Band Experience. Wednesday is Bible Study, "The King's Daughters meeting, and a celebratory Brotherhood-SisterSol farewell to Fabulous Kaajal Shah as she makes her transition to DC for New Beginnings. Thursday is CHOIR REHEARSAL! I can't wait. Friday, my 15 and 11 year old cousins from CLEVE-LAND come to visit for the holiday weekend. Time to get that second wind.
Be blessed this week! Good things are on the horizon as we continue to seek first HIS Kingdom.
Verse for the Day: 1 John 4:15
Lyrically Yours,

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