Friday, March 11, 2011

I Will Wait for You by Janette (Powerful Poem)

The season of singleness can often times feel like a cold and lonely wilderness. But if given the nurture, the focus, the attention needed it can be the greatest season of purpose.

I have experienced a forced and intentional singleness it as well as many other sisters and brothers I know. One thing is true in the midst of the season, God is always there with you, willing to walk with you. He never leaves you and if you let Him, He will lead and guide you to your greater self and the mate He's been crafting and molding just for you.

A friend sent me this link of a young lady performing her poem about the waiting for him, but even greater, waiting for God.  I encourage everyone to listen to her words. You can't help but feel her passion. Click or copy and paste the link below into your browser.

Have a great and purposeful weekend, whether you are single, married or...waiting.
